Before You Begin

  • To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
  • Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.
  • 1.1 ADD SHIFT:

    Step 1: Reach the Shift:

  • From the main side menu, click on "HR & ADMINISTRATION", then go to "Masters", and finally choose "Shift". This will open the Shift Search page.
  • Step 2: Add Shift:

  • Located at the top-right corner of the Shift Search page, there is an “Add Shift” button. Simply click on this button to proceed.
  • Step 3: Fill in Details:

    Upon clicking the 'Add Shift’ button, the Create Shift will open. Complete the following information:

  • Shift Name [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the name of the shift.
  • Shift Code [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter code of the shift.
  • Shift Report Day Detail, Is shift Timing Overlap - These Fields are for internal purposes.

    Search a Shift - Step-by-Step:

    Step 1: Start Searching:

    On the Search page, you can search in different ways:

  • Shift Name: Please enter the Shift Name you wish to search for.
  • Click the “Search” Button.
  • If you don’t have any specific search requirement then just click the “Search” Button.
  • Step 2: See the Results:

    After clicking "Search", you'll see results:

  • If you searched by Shift name you'll find the matching result with Shift Name and an option to View/Edit [Refer]
  • 1.3 EDIT SHIFT

    Edit a shift detail Step-by-Step:

    Step 1: Find Shift Detail:

    Step 2: Start Searching [Refer]:

    Step 3: Edit Details:

  • After searching, you'll see the Shift you want to edit.
  • Click "View/Edit" next to the Shift name to reach the Edit Shift page.
  • Step 4: Update Info:

  • On the Edit Shift page, you'll see existing details.
  • Step 5: Edit Shift Page:

  • On the Edit Shift page, you'll find the existing details of the Shift you're editing.
  • Change details that you like to update in Shift.

  • Shift From Time: Select the starting time of the shift from the time picker.
  • Shift To Time: Select the ending time of the shift from the time picker.
  • Effective Date: Select the start date for when this shift structure is applicable.
  • Expiry Date: Select the start date for when this shift structure is applicable.
  • Shift Report Day Detail: Select the end date for when this compensation structure is applicable for the employee.
  • Is Shift Timing Overlap: Select the end date for when this compensation structure is applicable for the employee.
  • Click the ‘Submit’ button the entry will be processed and added to the system. The newly added details will then be displayed in the list for reference.

  • For editing the subtabs, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
  • Click the view/edit button in the subtab and the data is viewed in edit mode.
  • You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
  • That's it! You've learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT a Shift using the DMeX app. If you need help, contact the support team.