To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.
Step 1: Reach the Shift:
From the main side menu, click on "HR & ADMINISTRATION", then go to "Masters", and finally choose "Shift". This will open the Shift Search page.
Step 2: Add Shift:
Located at the top-right corner of the Shift Search page, there is an “Add Shift” button. Simply click on this button to proceed.
Step 3: Fill in Details:
Upon clicking the 'Add Shift’ button, the Create Shift will open. Complete the following information:
Shift Name [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the name of the shift.
Shift Code [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter code of the shift.
Shift Report Day Detail, Is shift Timing Overlap - These Fields are for internal purposes.
Search a Shift - Step-by-Step:
Step 1: Start Searching:
On the Search page, you can search in different ways:
Shift Name: Please enter the Shift Name you wish to search for.
Click the “Search” Button.
If you don’t have any specific search requirement then just click the “Search” Button.
Step 2: See the Results:
After clicking "Search", you'll see results:
If you searched by Shift name you'll find the matching result with Shift Name and an option to View/Edit [Refer]
Edit a shift detail Step-by-Step:
Step 1: Find Shift Detail:
Step 2: Start Searching [Refer]:
Step 3: Edit Details:
After searching, you'll see the Shift you want to edit.
Click "View/Edit" next to the Shift name to reach the Edit Shift page.
Step 4: Update Info:
On the Edit Shift page, you'll see existing details.
Step 5: Edit Shift Page:
On the Edit Shift page, you'll find the existing details of the Shift you're editing.
Change details that you like to update in Shift.
Shift From Time: Select the starting time of the shift from the time picker.
Shift To Time: Select the ending time of the shift from the time picker.
Effective Date: Select the start date for when this shift structure is applicable.
Expiry Date: Select the start date for when this shift structure is applicable.
Shift Report Day Detail: Select the end date for when this compensation structure is applicable for the employee.
Is Shift Timing Overlap: Select the end date for when this compensation structure is applicable for the employee.
Click the ‘Submit’ button the entry will be processed and added to the system. The newly added details will then be displayed in the list for reference.
For editing the subtabs, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
Click the view/edit button in the subtab and the data is viewed in edit mode.
You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
That's it! You've learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT a Shift using the DMeX app. If you need help, contact the support team.