Service PO Grouping

Before You Begin :

  • To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
  • Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.

    Step 1: Reach the Service PO Grouping Screen:

  • From the main Side menu, click on "Purchase", then go to "Masters", and finally choose "Service Po Grouping". This will open the Service Po Grouping Search page.
  • Step 2: Adding a Service PO Grouping:

  • On the top right of the Service PO Grouping Search page, you'll see an "Add Grouping" button. Click this button.
  • Step 3: Fill in Details:

  • Grouping Head: [Dropdown](Optional) Select the Parent Heads.
  • Grouping Name: [Text Field](Mandatory) Enter the child heads in this field. Each value must be unique; otherwise, an informational message will be displayed.
  • Note: If the Grouping Head are not selected and Grouping Name are given, the Grouping Name are taken as the Grouping Head.
  • Note: This field is designated as the "Child Head". For instance, if the Grouping Head is selected as "Rent", it is important to acknowledge that within an organization, there may be various types or categories of rents that can be entered here. This flexibility allows for a detailed and comprehensive categorization of expenses or transactions related to the Grouping Head.
  • Description: [Text Field](Optional) Enter the description for the selected Grouping Name.
  • Display Sequence: [Text Field](Mandatory) Enter the sequence in which it should be displayed.
  • Note: The field included in the Service Po Grouping Master Screen serves the specific purpose of displaying it in the Service Po Line Item in a predetermined sequence. This structured categorization enhances the organization and presentation of purchase data within the Service PO.
  • Submission Of Service Po Grouping:

  • Upon submission of a Service PO Grouping, the entry will be added and the screen will transition to the editing mode.

    Search a Service Po Grouping - Step-by-Step:

    Step 1: Start Searching:

    On the Search page, you can search in different ways:

  • Grouping Name: Enter the Grouping Name for which you want to search for.
  • Grouping Head: Select the Grouping Head for which you want to search for.
  • Click the "Search" Button.
  • NOTE: You Can Search Any One of the Input Values and You Can Search Without Giving the Input Values
  • Step 2: See the Results:

    After clicking "Search", you'll see results:

  • If you searched by Grouping Name and Grouping Head, you'll find the matching result with Parent Head, Head, Description, Display Seq with an option to View/Edit.
  • If you not given any input value it will fetching the all details in result table.

    Edit a Service Po Grouping - Step-by-Step:

    Step 1: Edit Details:

  • After searching, you'll see the Service Po Grouping Result Table you want to edit.
  • Click "View/Edit" next to reach the Edit Service PO Grouping page.
  • Step 2: Update Info:

  • On the Edit Service PO Grouping page, you'll see existing details.
  • Step 3: Edit Service Po Grouping:

  • On the Edit Service PO Grouping page, you'll find the existing details of the Service PO Grouping you're editing.
  • Change the details Which you like to update in Service PO Grouping.
  • That's it! You have to learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT a Service PO Grouping using the DMeX app.

    THANK YOU ..!

    For further assistance, please contact the Support Team.