To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.
Certainly, before creating a P & L , it's a good practice to ensure that all the relevant details have been entered or updated.
Updating/Adding screens like P & L masters before adding a P&L is crucial for maintaining accurate and effective processes.
Double-checking these details before adding a P & L will minimize errors, reduce the chances of miscommunication, and ensures that your P & L is smooth and efficient. It also helps maintain accurate records for future reference and reporting.
1.1. Add a P and L - Step-by-Step
Step 1: Reach the P & L Section
From the main Side menu, click on "Accounts," then go to "Operations," and finally choose "P & L " This will open the P & L Search page.
Alternatively, click on "Management," then go to "Operations," and finally choose "P & L"
Step 2: Adding a P & L
On the top right of the P & L Search page, you'll see an "Add P & L " button. Click this button.
Step 3: Fill in details
Select P &L Head: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Choose the P & L Head from the dropdown list. The heads added in the P & L masters will be shown as an option.
Amount: [Number Field] (Mandatory) Enter the amount against that particular head.
From Dates: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the date from when this amount is applied for that head.
To Dates: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the date to when this amount is applied for that head.
Remarks: [Text field] Enter general comments or remarks, if any.
If you change your mind and don't want to add an P&L click "Cancel" it takes you back to the P & L Search page.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of P & L
Upon submission of a P & L the entry will be added and the screen will be transited to edit mode
If you change your mind and don't want to add a Consumption, click "Cancel" it takes you back to the Consumption Search page.
To Start Over:Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin anew. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
1.2. Search P & L
Search a P & L - Step-by-Step
Step 1: Start Searching
On the Search page, you can search in different ways:
Select P&L Head: Select the P&L for which you want to search for.
From Date: Select the date range from when you want to search for.
To Date: Select the date range until when you want to search for.
Click the “Search” Button.
Step 2: See the Results
After clicking "Search," you'll see results:
If you searched by P&L Heads and Dates you'll find the matching result with Heads, Amount, From Date, To Date with an option to view/edit [Refer]
Click the Export as excel button to download the result in the excel format.
1.3. Edit P & L
Edit a P & L Step-by-Step
Step 1: Find P&L
Step 2: Start Searchings
Step 3: Edit Details
After searching, you'll see the P & L you want to edit.
Click "View/Edit" next to the Generate to reach the Edit P & L page.
Step 4:Update Info
On the Edit P & L page, you'll see existing details.
Step 5:Edit P & L Page:
On the Edit P & L page, you'll find the existing details of the P & L you're editing.
Change details that you like to update in P & L .
Step 6:Submit/Cancel
Click the “Submit” Button
That's it! You've learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT a Consumption using the DMeX app. If you need help, contact the support team.