To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.
Important Note: Only the admin is authorized to add organisation details. Once an admin has added organization details, you will not be able to add them again. You will only have the option to edit the information within the sub-tabs.
From the main side menu, click on "HR & ADMINISTRATION", then go to "Masters", and finally choose "Organisation Details". This will open the Organisation Details Search page.
Step 2: Adding a Organisation Details:
Located at the top-right corner of the Organisation Details Search page, there is an “Add Organisation Details” button. Simply click on this button to proceed.
Step 3: Fill in Details:
Upon clicking the 'Add Organisation Details button', the Add Organisation Details will open. Complete the following information:
Note: The information provided in the Organization screen must adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and legality. This data is utilized in critical processes, and it is essential that it is complete, up-to-date, and in full compliance with all relevant legal requirements and regulations.
Organisation Name [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the full legal name of the organization.
Pan Number [Text Field](Mandatory): Enter the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the organization.
GST Number [Text Field](Mandatory): Enter the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Number of the organization
IE Code [Text Field](Mandatory): Enter the Importer Exporter (IE) Code of the organization.
Organisation Short Name [Text Field](Mandatory): Enter a short and recognizable name for the organization.
Email [Text Field](Mandatory): Enter the official email address of the organization.
GST District Code[Number Field](Mandatory): Enter the district code related to the organization's GST registration.
GST State Code[Number Field](Mandatory): Enter the state code associated with the organization's GST registration.
Financial Year Starts[Dropdown](Mandatory): Select the month from which the organization's financial year begins.
Base Currency[Dropdown](Mandatory): Select the base currency used for financial transactions within the organization.
Phone Number [Number Field](Mandatory): Enter the official phone number of the organization.
Note: Please be aware that the prefixes specified here are utilized to establish the pattern for automatically generated values on the corresponding screen. These prefixes play a crucial role in maintaining consistency and structure within the generated data.
Vendor Prefix [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the prefix to be used for the vendor.
Supplier PO Prefix [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the prefix to be used for the supplier po.
Outward DC Prefix [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the prefix to be used for the OutwardDc.
GRN Prefix [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the prefix to be used for the GRN.
Organization Website URL [Text Field]: Enter the organization screen URL.
Note:If 'Yes' is selected, the country of final destination will be disabled in the invoice.
Country Of Final Destination Applicable [Dropdown] (Mandatory): Select Yes/No in Country Of Final Destination Applicable
Note: To ensure the successful delivery of emails, kindly enter the correct data. Inaccurate information may hinder the proper reception of emails.
Automated From mail [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the mail id from which the automated and other mail from the organization have to be sent.
From mail password [Password Field] (Mandatory): Enter the password of the mail.
Host [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the mail host.
Port [Text Field] (Mandatory): Enter the port for the mail.
Search a Organization detail - Step-by-Step:
In the organization detail search screen if the details are added then we can view the result with Organization name and PAN number and an option to View/Edit [Refer] EDIT ORGANISATION DETAIL:
Edit a organization detail Step-by-Step:
Step 1: Find Organisation Detail:
Step 2: Start Searching [Refer]:
Step 3: Edit Details:
After searching, you'll see the Organisation you want to edit.
Click "View/Edit" next to the Organisation Name to reach the Edit Organisation page.
Step 4: Update Info:
On the Edit organisation detail page, you'll see existing details.
Step 5: Edit Organisation Detail Page:
On the Edit organisation detail page, you'll find the existing details of the Organisation you're editing.
Change details that you like to update in Organisation.
First Name: Enter the first name of the responsible person of the organisation.
Last Name: Enter the last name of the responsible person of the organisation.
Middle Initial: Enter the middle name of the responsible person of the organisation.
Phone number: Enter the phone number of the responsible person of the organisation.
Email: Enter the email of the responsible person of the organisation.
Click the ‘Submit’ button the entry will be processed and added to the system. The newly added details will then be displayed in the list for reference.
For editing the subtabs, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
Click the view/edit button in the subtab and the data is viewed in edit mode.
You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it. ADDRESS:
Address Type: Choose an address type from the dropdown menu. The available options are "Billing" and "Delivery." If there's a need to include additional address types, you have the option to add them through the "IT >> Master >> Master Category" screen, specifically within the "address_type" section. Notably, a billing address is mandatory when creating a purchase order. It is a mandatory field.
Line one: Enter the first line of the address. This field is mandatory.
Line two: Provide the second line of the address. This field is also mandatory.
Line three: Enter the third line of the address.
Line four: Include the fourth line of the address.
Country: Choose the country from the dropdown. The available options are fetched from the country detail screen. This field is mandatory.
Province/State: Upon selecting a country, the appropriate states or provinces will be fetched for that country. This field is also mandatory.
City: After selecting a state or province, the available cities for that location will be displayed in the dropdown. This field is also mandatory.
Postal Code: Enter the postal code for the address. This field is also mandatory.
Status: Choose the status from the dropdown. Options are "Active" and "Inactive." This field is also mandatory.
Click the ‘Submit’ button, the entry will be processed and added to the system. The newly added details will then be displayed in the list for reference.
For editing the subtabs, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
Click the view/edit button in the subtab and the data is viewed in edit mode.
You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
That's it! You've learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT an Organization using the DMeX app. If you need help, contact the support team.