Before You Begin

  • To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
  • Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.
  • Please click to change the language to Tamil.


  • User Master: By ensuring that user details are up-to-date and precise, will facilitate the process of establishing and managing user-specific limits effectively.

    Step 1: Reach the Limit Authorization Screen

  • From the main side menu, click on "Management" then go to "Masters" and finally choose "Limit Authorization". This will open the Limit Authorization Search page.
  • Step 2: Adding a Limit Authorization

  • On the top right of the Limit Authorization Search page, you'll see an "Add Limit Authorization" button. Click this button.
  • Step 3: Fill in details

    Upon clicking the Add Limit Authorization button, the Add screen will open. Complete the following information:

  • Range: [Number Field](Mandatory) Enter the price range within which the user is authorized to grant approvals..
  • User Lists: [Dropdown](Mandatory) Select the user who is authorized to approve within the specified price range.
  • Restrict to International: [Dropdown](Mandatory) Select the user who is authorized to approve within the same price range for international orders.
  • Step 4: Submit

  • Click the “Submit” button.
  • Upon submission of a Limit Authorization, the entry will be added and the screen will transition to the editing mode.
  • If you change your mind and don't want to add a Limit Authorization, click "Cancel" it takes you back to the Limit Authorization Search page.
  • Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin anew. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.

    Step 1: Start Searching

    On the Limit Authorization Search page, you can search in different ways:

  • Range: Enter the range for which you want to search for.
  • User-List: Select the user for whom you want to search for.
  • Click the “Search” Button.
  • To retrieve all available records, simply click the "Search" button without entering any search data.
  • Step 2: See the Results

  • If you searched by Range and User you'll find the matching result with Range, UserList and Is domestic alone with an option to View/Edit [Refer]

    Step 1: Find Limit Authorization

    Step 2: Start Searching

    Step 3: Edit Details

    After searching, you'll see the Limit Authorization you want to edit.

  • Click "View/Edit" next to the Range to reach the Edit Limit Authorization page.
  • Step 4: Update Info

  • On the Edit Limit Authorization page, you'll see existing details.
  • Step 5: Edit Limit Authorization Page:

  • On the Edit Limit Authorization page, you'll find the existing details of the Limit Authorization you're editing.
  • Change details that you like to update in Limit Authorization .
  • Step 6: Submit/Cancel

  • Click the “Submit” Button
  • That's it! You've learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT a Limit Authorization. using the DMeX app.

    If you need help, contact the support team.