Before You Begin
To get started, make sure you have your username and password ready.
Once you log in, you will land on the welcome screen.
1.1. Add Eight Disciplines- Step-by-Step
Step 1: Reach the Eight Disciplines Section
From the main Side menu, click on "Production & Quality," then go to "Operations," and finally choose "Eight Disciplines" This will open the Eight Disciplines Search page.
Step 2: Adding Eight Disciplines
On the top right of the Eight Disciplines Search page, you'll see an "Add Eight Disciplines" button. Click this button.
Step 3: Fill in details
Upon clicking the ‘Add Eight Disciplines button, the Add Eight Disciplines will open. Complete the following information:
Customer: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the Customer.
Plant: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the plant. The plant added against the customer is displayed in the dropdown.
Part: [Dropdown] (Mandatory)Select the part.
Problem Report Date:[Date Field] (Mandatory)Select the problem report date.
Problem Title:[Text Field] (Mandatory)Enter the problem title.
Defect:[Text Field] (Mandatory)Enter the defect.
Reported at:[Date Field] (Mandatory)Select the option at which end the defect was reported
Reported through [Date Field] (Mandatory)Select the option through whom the defect was reported
Reported By: [Dropdown] (Mandatory)Select the option of by whom the defect was reported.
Click the “Submit” Button.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
1.1.1 1 D- Formed Team Member Details
Fill in the Details
Employee: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the Employee for the team.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 1D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 1D
- Upon submission of 1D, the entry will be listed and the 2D - Problem Description / Defect Phenomenon Tab is displayed.
- Note:1D can also be edited.
1.1.2 2 D- Problem Description /Defect Phenomenon
Fill in the Details
Description: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the description.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 2D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 2D
- Upon submission of 2D, the entry will be added and the 3D - Containment Action/Short Term Action Tab will be displayed.
- Note:2D can also be edited.
1.1.3 3 D- Containment Action/Short Term Action
Fill in the Details
Action Details: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the action details.
Target Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the target date.
Actual Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the actual date.
Results of Action Taken: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the results of the action taken.
Date of Review: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the date of the review.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 3D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
Remark: [Text field] (Mandatory) Enter the remarks.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 3D
- Upon submission of 3D, the entry will be listed and the 4D - Root cause analysis Tab is displayed.
- For editing the 3D, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
1.1.4 4 D- Containment Action/Short Term Action
Fill in the Details
Type: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the type
Root Cause: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the root cause.
Target Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the target date.
Action: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the action taken.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 4D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 4D
- Upon submission of 4D, the entry will be listed and the 5D - Corrective action/Long-term action Tab is displayed.
- For editing the 4D, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
1.1.5 5 D- Corrective Action/Long Term action
Fill in the Details
Root Cause: [Drop down] (Mandatory) Select the root cause. The root cause entered in the 4D is displayed on the dropdown as options
Corrective Action: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the corrective action.
Employee : [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the employee.
Target Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the target date.
Implement Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the implement date.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 4D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 5D
- Upon submission of 5D, the entry will be listed and the 6D - Monitoring Effectiveness Of Correctiveness Actions Tab is displayed.
- For editing the 5D, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
1.1.6 6 D- Monitoring Effectiveness Of Corectiveness Actions
Fill in the Details
PPM: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Select the root cause. The root cause entered in the 4D is displayed on the dropdown as options
Rejection Year: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the rejection year action.
Rejection Month: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the rejection month action.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 6D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 6D
- Upon submission of 6D, the entry will be listed and the 7D A - Horizontal Deployment Tab and 7D B -Review -Documents/systems will be displayed.
- For editing the 6D, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
1.1.7 7A- Horizontal Deployment
Fill in the Details
Process/Products: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the process/products.
Target Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the target date.
Responsibility: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the employee who is responsible for the 7D Aa.
Results of Action Taken: [Text field] (Mandatory) Enter the results.
Actual Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the Actual date.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 7D- A.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 7D- A
- Upon submission of 7D -A , the entry will be listed For editing the 6D, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- For editing the 7D -A , you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
1.1.8 7D - B Reviews Documents/System
Fill in the Details
Type of Qms Document: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the type of QMS document.
Revision Detail: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the revision detail.
Responsibility: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the employee who is responsible for the 7D Aa.
Target Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the target date.
Start Date: [Date Field] (Mandatory) Select the start Actual date.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 7D- A.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 7D- B
- Upon submission of 7D -B , the entry will be listed and the 8D - Problem closure &Sign off Tab is displayed
- For editing the 7D- B, you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
1.1.9 8D - Problem Closure & Sign off
Fill in the Details
Team Member: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the team member.
Function: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the function name.
Sign Off: [Text Field] (Mandatory) Enter the sign Off.
Status: [Dropdown] (Mandatory) Select the status of the 8D.
Status Close Date: [Date Field]Select the close date if the status.
To Start Over: Click the "Clear" button if you wish to erase all information and begin a new one. Please note that once this button is clicked, the entered information will not be saved.
Click the “Submit” Button.
Submission Of 8D
- Upon submission of 8D , the entry will be listed
- For editing the 8D , you’ll find the view/edit button in the list of the data displayed.
- Click the view/edit button in the list and the data is viewed in edit mode.
- You can make edits to your entry and then proceed to submit it.
- Note:The status of the Eight Disciplines is closed only when all the D’s status is closed , If one of the D’s status is in pending then the status is also pending.
That's it! You've learned how to ADD, SEARCH, EDIT a Eight Disciplines using the DMeX app. If you need help, contact the support team.